hello, it's Qisthie again. I've been dissapeared from the world of blogging since 2014 and never wrote a single word ever since. I'm 23 years old now, and when I look back on my previous posts, I suddenly feel ashamed and in a second I even think about deleting this blog. but then I realized, embarassing or not, this blog has taken a big part of my life. a friend who always be there through my hardest time when none of my friend does. being my secret keeper. a page who helps me grow up and learn things. basically it's something who made me, me. so I'm trying to continue writing here from now on and (hopefully) for the rest of my life. anyway, it's silly how I suddeny look back to my blog just because something my boyfriend said. he said that he is wondering why he didn't appeared in my writings anymore. the last post I wrote about him is when we break apart and finally getting back together. he asked whether our love story is no longer worth it to be written anymore. the point is, he wants me to write again. I've been with him for 4 years, but I always surprised when he told me that he read ALL of my blog writings and he even use dictionary to read my English post (because actually his English is not very well). of course I touched with that effort, lol. besides, I know some people who actually saying that they read my blog (and said it's kind of good as well!) it's always nice to have interactions with people who admire your works, and I feel like they know me even when I don't know about them in real life. so I guess I'm gonna start writing about my interests randomly just like before, sometimes in English and sometimes in Indonesia as well. see you in a bit!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Thursday, November 06, 2014
my life within 3 months
I'm a terrible blogger, I haven't post anything here since August (Idk if I still allowed to call myself a blogger). there are so many many many things happen to me within 3 months. especially on September-October, I made a change that affects my life so much for the future. so let's begin the review:
1. I made up with my boyfriend. I know it's silly how I said I get back together with my boyfriend after making such an embarrassing writing in the previous post. the process isn't as easy as I picture it in one sentence. there are a lot of arguments before, many sacrifices until we finally meet one irrefutable conclusion: we made mistakes, we haven't talk for months, but our heart still belongs to each other. right when he states that he loves me and his feelings has not change since the beginning, well I couldn't say anything, but admit the same thing. I love him as much as I love him before this things happens, and now I love him even more. so this is it, I get back with him with more serious purpose for our future, together.
2. sadly, sadly, sad, I can't finish my study this year. I have this one subject which is killing me inside out, that I have to take the class once more this time. while most of my friends busy with their final project, I'm still busy playing with needle and stuffs in order to pass the sewing class. it's not easy you know, as I told you somewhere on my previous posts, I'm so bad at sewing. really really bad, even I want to mock myself. and after all this time, after years trying to get myself close to sewing machine, I still can't do it precisely. really, you have no idea how I suffer every time I attend the sewing class with junior classmates (which is totally embarrassing and I don't wanna even talk to anyone in class: senior dignity rules) while all I see is my classmates busy preparing for their thesis trial and soon to be graduated. for the sake of God, in this moment, I don't wanna be me. :(
3. fortunately I'm still stick to a job (which I've been doing it since March 2014) and no need to resign, as I planned before. The Boss don't mind if I take the job while I finish my study. as a senior, I only need to be on college twice a week: Wed to Thu, so it isn't a big deal. my coworkers are willing to help me handle the job when I'm away. even my Big Boss kindly providing additional money for my transport cost to Bandung every week. I'm so lucky, I can do many stuffs at the same time. now I can still finish my study while still can collect the money to pay my final assignment (which does not cost a bit). Alhamdulillah.
4. I finally can moved out from my Auntie's house where I spent my 4 years study in Bandung. living in somebody else's place is never been as good as living in our parents's, right. I've been living like this for about 6 years (since I'm in High School) so this thing totally made a change for my whole life. for those people who always living with their parents may not understand the feeling, but all I can say is I am extremely happy. now I live with my parents, in simplicity, far from the crowds, living in peace. I love it more than when I'm still living in a great modern residence in the big city. oh and fyi, I finally manage the house and get my own rooooooom! wohoooo, you have no idea how happy I am finally can sleep and decorate my own room that I never did for 6 years because I always need to share a room with my sisters (or sleep in other people's room). this feeling is inevitable, I couldn't be happier.
5. what else? oh this probably just one little thing, but guuuuuys finally I made my first passport at the age 22. one step closer to fulfill my 'wanderlust' needs. my dream since I was a child is to travel the world. I don't wanna those big and luxurious residences, expensive rides. when I have a lot of money I wanna spend it by travel. travel and more travel around the world. and now I've just had the first ticket (with my own money) and now I just have to save more to buy airplane tickets abroad (with my own money). PS: the first trip is about to come soon. soooo excited!
so that's it. 5 points that describe my life over the last 3 months. I'll see you on the next post! X'D
I'm a terrible blogger, I haven't post anything here since August (Idk if I still allowed to call myself a blogger). there are so many many many things happen to me within 3 months. especially on September-October, I made a change that affects my life so much for the future. so let's begin the review:
1. I made up with my boyfriend. I know it's silly how I said I get back together with my boyfriend after making such an embarrassing writing in the previous post. the process isn't as easy as I picture it in one sentence. there are a lot of arguments before, many sacrifices until we finally meet one irrefutable conclusion: we made mistakes, we haven't talk for months, but our heart still belongs to each other. right when he states that he loves me and his feelings has not change since the beginning, well I couldn't say anything, but admit the same thing. I love him as much as I love him before this things happens, and now I love him even more. so this is it, I get back with him with more serious purpose for our future, together.
2. sadly, sadly, sad, I can't finish my study this year. I have this one subject which is killing me inside out, that I have to take the class once more this time. while most of my friends busy with their final project, I'm still busy playing with needle and stuffs in order to pass the sewing class. it's not easy you know, as I told you somewhere on my previous posts, I'm so bad at sewing. really really bad, even I want to mock myself. and after all this time, after years trying to get myself close to sewing machine, I still can't do it precisely. really, you have no idea how I suffer every time I attend the sewing class with junior classmates (which is totally embarrassing and I don't wanna even talk to anyone in class: senior dignity rules) while all I see is my classmates busy preparing for their thesis trial and soon to be graduated. for the sake of God, in this moment, I don't wanna be me. :(
3. fortunately I'm still stick to a job (which I've been doing it since March 2014) and no need to resign, as I planned before. The Boss don't mind if I take the job while I finish my study. as a senior, I only need to be on college twice a week: Wed to Thu, so it isn't a big deal. my coworkers are willing to help me handle the job when I'm away. even my Big Boss kindly providing additional money for my transport cost to Bandung every week. I'm so lucky, I can do many stuffs at the same time. now I can still finish my study while still can collect the money to pay my final assignment (which does not cost a bit). Alhamdulillah.
4. I finally can moved out from my Auntie's house where I spent my 4 years study in Bandung. living in somebody else's place is never been as good as living in our parents's, right. I've been living like this for about 6 years (since I'm in High School) so this thing totally made a change for my whole life. for those people who always living with their parents may not understand the feeling, but all I can say is I am extremely happy. now I live with my parents, in simplicity, far from the crowds, living in peace. I love it more than when I'm still living in a great modern residence in the big city. oh and fyi, I finally manage the house and get my own rooooooom! wohoooo, you have no idea how happy I am finally can sleep and decorate my own room that I never did for 6 years because I always need to share a room with my sisters (or sleep in other people's room). this feeling is inevitable, I couldn't be happier.
5. what else? oh this probably just one little thing, but guuuuuys finally I made my first passport at the age 22. one step closer to fulfill my 'wanderlust' needs. my dream since I was a child is to travel the world. I don't wanna those big and luxurious residences, expensive rides. when I have a lot of money I wanna spend it by travel. travel and more travel around the world. and now I've just had the first ticket (with my own money) and now I just have to save more to buy airplane tickets abroad (with my own money). PS: the first trip is about to come soon. soooo excited!
so that's it. 5 points that describe my life over the last 3 months. I'll see you on the next post! X'D
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
qisty's presscon
Jadi gini, sehubungan dengan banyaknya
pertanyaan “PACARNYA MANA KISS??” di Lebaran kemaren, saya mau
ngepost sepatah dua patah kata di blog. Karena walopun disini gak ada
yang menanyakan pertanyaan serupa, tapi saya merasa bertanggungjawab
atas beberapa postingan yang melibatkan seseorang yang mendominasi
blog saya beberapa tahun belakangan ini.
Jadi begini kira-kira yang terjadi
apabila disimpulkan dalam sebuah Q&A:
A: Udah nggak punya pacar! Yeay!
A: Tauk…ilang. (literally)
A: Ya menurut ngana aja sih.
A: Dari sebelum Ramadan
A: Di-single in di Facebook. Sementara
dia sudah berubah status menjadi single di Facebook, gue masih In a
Relationship,─ tapi ama tembok.
A: Iya nih gatau, kurang briefing
A: Ciyan deh loh, kehilangan gue 8’))
A: Move on tuh gak usah diomongin, tapi
dijalanin. #eeaak
Jadi sekian, saya sekarang ini sedang
dalam tahap berbenah hati dan beberes sosial media (karena ribetnya
pacaran di era sosmed adalah, banyaknya moment yang diunggah ke
sosmed dan bikin gagal moveon), nahan-nahan diri buat nggak ngungkit
atau kepoin dia lagi yang sedang menjalani hidup barunya yang lebih
berbahagia tanpa saya. Dan saya juga gak mau repot-repot galau karena
segalau apapun saya, skripsi dan TA gak mungkin bisa kelar sendiri,
kerjaan di kantor juga gak mungkin bisa beres kalo saya tetep
bengong. Dengan kata lain, sementara saya galau-galau mantan, waktu
berjalan terus, ntar kelar nangisin mantan tau2 saya udah umur 25.
Liat berapa banyak kesempatan yang terbuang cuma buat nangisin apa
yang udah terjadi. Iya ini cuma omongan doang biar keliatan kuat sih,
aslinya sih tetep mewek2 juga tiap inget mantan.
Tapi yang jelas saya yakin, dia punya
alasan kuat kenapa bisa milih mengakhiri hubungan dengan cara begini,
dan mungkin ini yang menurut dia paling baik, dan setuju gak setuju,
saya harus menghargai keputusannya. Gimanapun dia laki-laki dan saya
perempuan. Laki-laki harus dilatih untuk bersikap dan mengambil
keputusan dari sejak dini. Betul tho? Jadi kalo ini menurut dia cara
putus dengan skenario seolah-olah hilang ingatan, dan 2 ½ tahun yang
kita lewati itu hanya fiktif belaka, adalah cara putus yang paling
baik, ya saya harus menghargainya kan? Mungkin suatu saat kalo kita
ketemu lagi (mungkin 25 tahun lagi di acara reuni HIMA saat kamu
sudah punya istri dan anak) kamu akan berkata,
“ka…kamu siapa??” layaknya orang amnesia lainnya saat melihat saya.
Belajar dari tagline yang diusung Presiden kita, aku rapopo™. Positif thinking aja, mungkin hanya dengan cara seperti itu kamu bisa melupakan saya. Mungkin saya terlalu manis atau bahkan terlalu pahit untuk kamu kenang, jadi hanya itulah cara satu-satunya untuk membebaskan diri, yaitu menghapus keberadaan saya.
“ka…kamu siapa??” layaknya orang amnesia lainnya saat melihat saya.
Belajar dari tagline yang diusung Presiden kita, aku rapopo™. Positif thinking aja, mungkin hanya dengan cara seperti itu kamu bisa melupakan saya. Mungkin saya terlalu manis atau bahkan terlalu pahit untuk kamu kenang, jadi hanya itulah cara satu-satunya untuk membebaskan diri, yaitu menghapus keberadaan saya.
Karena kamu sudah berkehendak, maka
tidak ada jalan lain bagi saya selain memainkan peran saya yang sudah
kamu tentukan tanpa bertanya sebelumnya. Saya juga akan melupakan
kamu dengan cara menganggap kamu tidak ada, menghapus jejak
kamu,─menghapus kamu. Bukan hanya itu, saya juga harus
memberikan jawaban memuaskan kepada kerabat dan keluarga yang
menanyakan kamu, karena kamu sudah masuk cukup dalam, pada kehidupan
Qisthie Cinintya dan keluarga maupun kerabat sudah banyak mengenal
kamu. Sesungguhnya saya bingung harus menjawab apa jika ada
pertanyaan2 muncul seputar kamu, karena kamu juga tidak memberi saya
jawaban mengenai ini semua. Jadi kalo saya ditanya kenapa putus sama
kamu, saya jawab, “Tanya dia saja,” gitu tidak salah kan? Kan?
Tapi ya sudahlah, Tuhan pasti punya
rencana lain untuk saya, dan ya benar saja, setelah saya kembali
sendiri, dunia saya jadi semakin melebar. Saya jadi inget lagi
cita-cita dan hobi yang dulu sempat terabaikan karena sibuk pacaran.
Terima kasih sudah menyadarkan saya kalau hidup bergantung sama orang
lain itu gak baik. Kalo terlalu sayang dan percaya sama orang itu gak
boleh. But congrats, you break my record. Pacaran sama kamu 2 ½
tahun itu anugrah. Banyak hal2 baik yang kamu ajarkan, dan saya harap
juga banyak hal2 baik dari saya yang kamu inget juga. Gak cuma
jeleknya aja :p hehehe.
Jadi mari di bulan Syawal yang penuh
ampunan ini kita saling bermaaf2an, walopun kamu jauh dan ngehubungin
kamu lebih sulit dari ngehubungin pejabat (Ahok aja masih mau bales
sms orang tidak dikenal, lah saya sms kamu sampe hape kamu ngeheng
juga gak dianggep. Mungkin di Tasik sana kamu sudah jadi artis ya,
Gani Ghansa?) yang jelas dari lubuk yang paling dalam saya minta maaf
apabila selama 3 tahun kita saling mengenal sering banyak perbuatan
maupun perkataan saya yang tidak berkenan, dan saya juga dengan tulus
memaafkan kamu walaupun sesungguhnya tidak dimintai maafnya :p
mungkin suatu saat nanti kita bisa saling bertemu, di pelaminan salah
satu dari kita mungkin? I’ll be happy to come at your wedding of
course.. atau suatu saat kalo kamu punya distro di Bandung? Atau saat
kamu punya VW Beetle? I’ll be happy to come and talk without any
hard feeling, as I always said, we could forever be friends. Jangan
takut kalo nanti ketemu saya ya, saya gak bakal gigit lho, tenanan…
dan bahkan bakal menyapa kamu dengan senyuman. Mudah2an setelah ini
kita berdua jadi lebih bahagia ya ^^ terima kasih buat semuanya,
4 Agustus 2014
Qisthie yang sudah berhasil menata hati
PS: I am terribly sorry for your loss,
my dear :p
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Did you ever feel like falling to the
perfect person, but in the wrong time and
I think I did.
current favorite: HAIM (@haimtheband)

pertama kali denger single mereka itu lagu ini: If I Could Change Your Mind, rekomendasi dari temen di twitter. awal denger sih biasa aja, lama-lama gue baru nyadar... KOK ENAK YA?
musiknya itu ngingetin kita sama musik era tahun 90an gitu, walopun gue gak terlalu tau persis musiknya kayak apa
apa persamaan antara ketiga band tersebut? semuanya formernya cewek! mungkin karena gue cewek jadi suara cewek lebih familiar di telinga gue dan seneng aja ngeliat cewek2 keren yang punya band kayak mereka walopun gue gak punya cita-cita jadi anak band. lha, wong suara pas-pasan, baca not aja gue bisa pingsan. :/ eh tapi bukan berarti gue gak suka band/solois cowok ya, suka kok, tapi karena sekarang gue mau bahas Haim, jadi gue mau bahas cewek-cewek keren dulu. cowok-cowok gantengnya ngantri dulu di belakang ya.
Haim, band yang terdiri dari cewek-cewek kakak beradik ini, Este Haim, Danielle Haim, dan Alana Haim yang punya kemahiran dalam bermusik dan style yang berbeda-beda. Este bisa main bass dan gitar, Danielle bisa main drum dan gitar, dan Baby Alana main gitar, keyboard dan perkusi. kalo awalnya gue cuma suka denger lagu mereka terus nonton official videonya doang, pas giliran gue nonton video live performance mereka gue langsung ENDES, KEREN GELLAAAA NIH CEWEK-CEWEK. maaf kepencet kapsloknya. tapi mereka emang keren banget! gue suka musik mereka yang 90an banget, gabungan Destiny's Child sama Fleetwood, gue suka vokalnya Danielle yang alto banget, gue suka trademark mereka yaitu rambut-panjang-belah-tengah-yang-suka-dikibasin-kayak-iklan-shampoo, gue suka konsinstensi mereka dengan style yang mereka pake baik itu di music video ataupun saat tampil live: Este yang tampil girly dan feminin dengan minidress, Danielle yang tampil ala rocker dengan pants dan jaket kulitnya, serta Baby Alana yang selalu tampil cute dengan hot pants nya. gimana bisa gak suka coba sama mereka?!
gak bisa bedain? inget-inget aja yang pake dress Este, yang pake pants dan jaket kulit Danielle, dan yang pake hotpants Baby Alana :))
satu lagi nih yang bikin jatuh cinta sama mereka. gaya dance nya di video clip If I Could Change Your Mind ini bikin gue nahan-nahan hasrat pengen joget juga. lucu banget, keren, dan..... cantik.
my favorite songs from Days Are Gone Album:
- Falling
- Forever
- If I Could Change Your Mind
- The Wire
- Don't Save Me
go watch their videos and listens to their song, prepare yourself to be a fan!
about the internship and stuffs
found this writing drafted since several months ago. this probably kind of #toolatepost but it's better if I put this where it should be. published.
couple weeks ago I became a companion for my boyfriend to hang around distros and clothing stores in the city, when I, accidentally, saw a very tremendous posters on the street. it said that there will be a 'study-abroad expo' or something like that held in the ballroom of Hilton Hotel. surprise, I must say. okay, since I decide that my life time dream will be study in some foreign country I might I will find a 'way' on that exhibition. so no need to think about it twice, next 2 days we were going there with some cool outfit we had prepared earlier.
and it proved to be true.
I mean not technically true, but still true.
I had a small talks with the foreigners on the expo. in fact: I've never really spoken to foreigners very much. I've never get used to it and when it comes the time to face the real foreigners (who cannot speak any language but English) suddenly my tongue-tied and I can't remember a word. such a shame! I finally got another opportunity to 'talk' with an Australian and.. hey, he can understand what I'm saying. even though I'm not really sure what he's talking about *because Australia is one of commonwealth countries so his accent sounded pretty British* I haven't been accustomed to hear his accent, but I really enjoy our 'sober' convos about Fashion Design School in Melbourne.
the foreigner, Mr. Sam, told me that there's a Fashion & Business Degree which takes 3 years to complete. on the first 2 years we will be taught everything about fashion designing and on the final year we will have an option to choose between Fashion Design or Fashion Business. he asked me if I've learned fashion and pattern making before and he said that it would be easier for me to learn those things in Melbourne if I've already had the basic knowledge. I found that super interesting to study in that college, I hope some day (one day) I will have a chance to study there.
but that's not all people... *drumroll*
just in time we (me and my boyfriend) want to go home, I accidentally saw an information board about Fashion Design Workshop: Making Moodboard on the next hall. my boyfriend said that because we were already there why don't we attend the workshop. so we discouraged to go home, take wudhu and do Asr prayer, and wait outside the hall.
the workshop speaker is Mr. Ferdi. he's a fashion designer from Jakarta and Bandung I guess. he is very decent and indulgent, and he looks really expert on his major. he taught us (the participants) how to make a good mood board from the very beginning. for you who don't know what mood board is, you can check it here. why I said indulgent: because there's only a few of us which had a basic learning about fashion designing. okay, it's actually just ME who had learn fashion before. and he (Mr. Ferdi) with his kind of heart taught us from the very first step.
the draft ends here, so I'll try to finish the post with conclusions:
couple weeks ago I became a companion for my boyfriend to hang around distros and clothing stores in the city, when I, accidentally, saw a very tremendous posters on the street. it said that there will be a 'study-abroad expo' or something like that held in the ballroom of Hilton Hotel. surprise, I must say. okay, since I decide that my life time dream will be study in some foreign country I might I will find a 'way' on that exhibition. so no need to think about it twice, next 2 days we were going there with some cool outfit we had prepared earlier.
and it proved to be true.
I mean not technically true, but still true.
I had a small talks with the foreigners on the expo. in fact: I've never really spoken to foreigners very much. I've never get used to it and when it comes the time to face the real foreigners (who cannot speak any language but English) suddenly my tongue-tied and I can't remember a word. such a shame! I finally got another opportunity to 'talk' with an Australian and.. hey, he can understand what I'm saying. even though I'm not really sure what he's talking about *because Australia is one of commonwealth countries so his accent sounded pretty British* I haven't been accustomed to hear his accent, but I really enjoy our 'sober' convos about Fashion Design School in Melbourne.
the foreigner, Mr. Sam, told me that there's a Fashion & Business Degree which takes 3 years to complete. on the first 2 years we will be taught everything about fashion designing and on the final year we will have an option to choose between Fashion Design or Fashion Business. he asked me if I've learned fashion and pattern making before and he said that it would be easier for me to learn those things in Melbourne if I've already had the basic knowledge. I found that super interesting to study in that college, I hope some day (one day) I will have a chance to study there.
but that's not all people... *drumroll*
just in time we (me and my boyfriend) want to go home, I accidentally saw an information board about Fashion Design Workshop: Making Moodboard on the next hall. my boyfriend said that because we were already there why don't we attend the workshop. so we discouraged to go home, take wudhu and do Asr prayer, and wait outside the hall.
the workshop speaker is Mr. Ferdi. he's a fashion designer from Jakarta and Bandung I guess. he is very decent and indulgent, and he looks really expert on his major. he taught us (the participants) how to make a good mood board from the very beginning. for you who don't know what mood board is, you can check it here. why I said indulgent: because there's only a few of us which had a basic learning about fashion designing. okay, it's actually just ME who had learn fashion before. and he (Mr. Ferdi) with his kind of heart taught us from the very first step.
the draft ends here, so I'll try to finish the post with conclusions:
- Mr. Ferdi picks me as the winner for the workshop, and I get a very delicious and lovable chocolate as a reward. so happy!
- later on I contact Mr. Ferdi and he offers me to do my final year internship on his production house. fyi, Mr. Ferdi had a good yet promising business in fashion uniform. a month on his workshop taught me a lot of things. thank you for all lessons Mr. Ferdi. I'm glad, I've finished it already.
- my internship at Mr. Ferdi's brought me to find another relation. the lovely and very talented girl Josephine Lin (graduated from Maranatha Christian University majoring Fashion Design) had taught me lot of about fashion drawing: which is my primary weakness since I choose Fashion Design as my school major. so thanks to her, my fashion drawing become so much better now :)
mendadak stop motion
ceritanya adikku disuruh bikin video stop motion buat tugas sekolahnya, (yea, tugasnya asik bener kan?) terus dia minta tolong gue bantuin bikin videonya. nah tau pengertian stop motion kan? stop motion adalah suatu teknik animasi untuk membuat objek yang dimanipulasi secara fisik dlam bentuk gambar (tidak bergerak) agar terlihat seperti bergerak (video). bikinnya susah2 gampang. susahnya adalah kita harus punya kumpulan gambar secara sequence minimal 100 buah gambar berurutan untuk membuat video dengan durasi 25 detik. teknik pengambilan gambarnya pun harus cermat, karena jika terlalu jauh urutannya maka gerakan gambar akan terlihat tidak real. mudahnya adalah, karena ini bukan kali pertama gue bikin stop motion (dulu pernah bikin buat anniversary sama pacar. videonya bisa dilihat disini) tapi sayang banget kameranya jelek. kelemahan gue dari dulu selalu itu tuh, kamera yang gue pake jelek buat video jadi hasilnya begitu deh, ga maksimal. padahal kan objeknya udah keren maksimal.
oh ya karena udah pernah bikin, maka video stop motion durasi 46 detik ini berhasil gue bikin dalam waktu 2 jam saja. hore? horeeeeeeee! itu udah mencakup editing, adding text berikut animationnya, serta galau-galau mau pake backsound lagu apa. (tetep harus ada kata galau ya di setiap postingan? :)) iya lah, mumpung masih taun 2014, mumpung galau masih ngehits) jadi gue pilih lagu band yang lagi gue suka banget belakangan ini, HAIM (@haimtheband) yang judulnya Don't Save Me. oh ya di video ini gue menggunakan sekitar 200an gambar (termasuk teks) dengan hitungan 0.25 detik/gambar. sebetulnya ini bukan video hijab tutorial, plis bukan. gue minder soalnya sama hijab tutorial mbak-mbak di youtube yang cantik-cantik plus niat banget kalo bikin tutorial, makanya gue ogah bikin video tutorial lagi. (*TEEEET* terlalu banyak menggunakan kata 'tutorial'!!)
jadi ya, silakan menonton aja deh. sekian dan terima aku kembali.
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