Friday, July 10, 2009

The Me Quiz: Have you Ever

Qisthie answered 'Have you Ever' questions in The Me Quiz.

Swam in freezing water: i have
Jumped off a house: nope
Been attacked: almost!!
Been on a plane: yep
Gotten injured: lotta times
Bungee jumped: i want to ♥
White water rafted: nope
Pulled an all-nighter: hmmm
Broken a bone: noooo!
Lied about your age: hahahaha
Been in a hot air balloon: nope
Surfed: i have
Stolen anything?: no!
Been drunk before noon?: no!
Had sex in a public place?: NO!
Got caught telling a lie?: ehmmm
Got a speeding ticket: waaw
Been arrested: wack
Littered: blah
Fantasized about a co-worker: ngaah
Cheated on a test: ummmm
Cheated in a relationship: grrrr haha
Failed a class: no! alhamdulillah
Screened your phone calls: hmm
Eaten food off the floor?: no! emangnya kucing?
Stuck gum under a desk: enggalah
Wished you were someone else: yes, semua orang pernah pengen jd orang lain
Cried during a movie: yep
Had a one night stand?: what?

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