I love it when I looking at you all the time during the class subjects, even you don't know what I do.
I love it when you just disappear right away and I know where would I found you: the mosque.
I love it when teachers trusted you more than others.
I love it when you become an Advisor (like what ppl always said) in our lovely class. Much better than leader itself, right?
I love it when you're standing in front of class, answering teacher's questions with your smiling face.
I love it when you teach me Arabic! Am really not good at it.
I love it when you try to talk to me even you don't really know what would we talked about.
I love it when we hit Gufi after school and the Gufi guys smiled at us.
I love it when you accompany me watch some movies even I know that you don't really enjoy it much.
I love it when we talked about the One Piece thingy because it's the only thing that makes us connected.
I love it when you dropped me by and I said "thank you.."
I love it when at night you are the only person who sent me Goodnight messages.
I love it when you said that you love me and I love that I love you in the same way too.
February 27th
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