Hi, it's me again. Geez I've blogged twice today. Yehaaa there's something I wanna tell you.
Been in an almost-good day today. I went to school at 3pm with Rahma.
Idk, I feel like dress up just now. So I wore the never-used jeans blazer and a converse sneakers. I feel a little bit nervous of wearing this things because I never dressed like this before.
Surprisingly when I walked with my best Iman to the class, all boys at there are shouting and yelling like crazy. They were surprised of my new look. My boyish look. Haha they say that it would never be me.. Totally different, out of my comfort zone, and they absolutely say that I'm totally cool. Geez haha I love that!
I have a man-side on my life. I mean, I love to chat with the boys. I have so many boyfriends, even I have many girlfriends though. It's kinda interesting of talking with the boys, arguing them for something, laughed on their silly jokes, laughing on themselves, find anything funny to be discussed with.. And also, I feel like the prettiest girl ever when I'm talking to my boys. Hihi, that's incredible.
I should wore that boys stuff more often. I'm not pretty though, but at least they realized that I'm so cool B) *complimenting herself*
It is a lovely day. Yeah, I always said so though the fact is the day is not as lovely as I expected haha, at least I've try..
It's 10 in the night buddy, and tomorrow is the Graduation-Day. Gotta wake up early and let my sista Antika Marilis Dezetha, making an experiment on my face and hair! Goodnight everyone.. Don't forget to pray for tomorrow.. Amin.
April 25th
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What Makes Me Happy Today
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Life goes on
Helo, long time no see. How's your life, peeps?
I'm no longer updated this blog daily, because oh so many things happen these days. I can't mention it all one by one. But the most fabulous thing that I got this week: an announcement from Undip. It said that I've pass the first test: Academical Test. I feel like wanna cry and shout out loud because it's just unbelievable. I know I haven't be the pure Undip student yet, but I'm still excited. Alhamdulillah.. There are still Psikotest and Interview on the next May 1&2. I hope everything's will come to the best. Aaaah.. I always wanted Undip for (almost) my whole life. I always wanted to live in Semarang. Make it easier for me, Ya Allah.. Amin.
Next, today is April 25th and tomorrow is the Graduation Day! Omg, I'm so nervous.. About the graduation thing, about the envelope, about the person that I asked to attend this day, about the clothes..and everything.. Especially the clothes ofcourse. I'm scared of wearing kebaya! God.. I'm too skinny! Whatever I do I'll never get the perfect weight more than 45kgs. Am I sick or what, but I'm so scared of wearing that beautiful outfit which must be super fit on our body. But me? It don't even fit at all. I look like a clown.. Or Ondel-Ondel.. Or whatever. It's just not good on me :(
But actually I love Kebaya so much. All Indonesian girls look superb pretty while wearing this. Including me? Haha.. It shows Indonesian real beauty, and its personal character. Dazed and awesome! Really likely!
Btw, been in an awkward night last Saturday night. Hahaha, I just wondering why I did that? Silly.
So that's all for now. Need to go to school, to attend the preparation for tomorrow Graduation-Day. Wish me luck people, Bismillah..
April 25th
I'm no longer updated this blog daily, because oh so many things happen these days. I can't mention it all one by one. But the most fabulous thing that I got this week: an announcement from Undip. It said that I've pass the first test: Academical Test. I feel like wanna cry and shout out loud because it's just unbelievable. I know I haven't be the pure Undip student yet, but I'm still excited. Alhamdulillah.. There are still Psikotest and Interview on the next May 1&2. I hope everything's will come to the best. Aaaah.. I always wanted Undip for (almost) my whole life. I always wanted to live in Semarang. Make it easier for me, Ya Allah.. Amin.
Next, today is April 25th and tomorrow is the Graduation Day! Omg, I'm so nervous.. About the graduation thing, about the envelope, about the person that I asked to attend this day, about the clothes..and everything.. Especially the clothes ofcourse. I'm scared of wearing kebaya! God.. I'm too skinny! Whatever I do I'll never get the perfect weight more than 45kgs. Am I sick or what, but I'm so scared of wearing that beautiful outfit which must be super fit on our body. But me? It don't even fit at all. I look like a clown.. Or Ondel-Ondel.. Or whatever. It's just not good on me :(
But actually I love Kebaya so much. All Indonesian girls look superb pretty while wearing this. Including me? Haha.. It shows Indonesian real beauty, and its personal character. Dazed and awesome! Really likely!
Btw, been in an awkward night last Saturday night. Hahaha, I just wondering why I did that? Silly.
So that's all for now. Need to go to school, to attend the preparation for tomorrow Graduation-Day. Wish me luck people, Bismillah..
April 25th
Monday, April 12, 2010
Book.. Maboook
whatssup peeps? gue baru balik dr Semarang nih.. sedikit cerita gue pas kemarin disana:
Semarang is fckin beautiful! hell yeah, I really want to live there someday. baru juga brapa hari gue disana ngerasanya udah selalu ada disana.oke sedikit lebai, tapi okelah.
bicara tentang undip... ah tesnya! gue nyesel banget ga prepare bener2. bayangin, ada 100 soal: Matematika, Fisika, Bhs. Inggris. gue ga belajar dah tu matematik dan fisika, makanya gue ngarep2 bs.inggrisnya gampang. dan tadaaaa... bs.inggrisnya alhamdulillah lumayan gampang tp ternyata cuma 20 soal dari jumlah total 100 soal! fisika 30 soal dan matematika 50 soal! demi apapun gue mabok -____________-"
pelis deh.. gue nyesel banget ga belajaaaaaar. fisikanya tuh yaaa, pdhl gue rada2 familiar sama soal2nya TAPI LUPA RUMUSNYA!!! hell yeah! sama aja ga guna... nyesel bangetttttt. nyesel gue bandel ga mo belajar padahal udah diingetin mulu sama orang2 di sekeliling gue :'(
udah dulu ah, mau bersemedi! hahahah. byee..
April 12th
Semarang is fckin beautiful! hell yeah, I really want to live there someday. baru juga brapa hari gue disana ngerasanya udah selalu ada disana.oke sedikit lebai, tapi okelah.
bicara tentang undip... ah tesnya! gue nyesel banget ga prepare bener2. bayangin, ada 100 soal: Matematika, Fisika, Bhs. Inggris. gue ga belajar dah tu matematik dan fisika, makanya gue ngarep2 bs.inggrisnya gampang. dan tadaaaa... bs.inggrisnya alhamdulillah lumayan gampang tp ternyata cuma 20 soal dari jumlah total 100 soal! fisika 30 soal dan matematika 50 soal! demi apapun gue mabok -____________-"
pelis deh.. gue nyesel banget ga belajaaaaaar. fisikanya tuh yaaa, pdhl gue rada2 familiar sama soal2nya TAPI LUPA RUMUSNYA!!! hell yeah! sama aja ga guna... nyesel bangetttttt. nyesel gue bandel ga mo belajar padahal udah diingetin mulu sama orang2 di sekeliling gue :'(
udah dulu ah, mau bersemedi! hahahah. byee..
April 12th
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Anything I'm Not - Lenka

Anything I'm Not
I will never be, I will never be tall, no
And I will never be, never ever be sure of it all
Oh, why is the world so cruel to me
When all, all I ever want to be is anything I'm not
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
I'm not
I will never be, I will never be you, no
I will always be, I will always be me, that I know
But oh, even though I'm happy being me
I want to get away from all this harsh reality, oh
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Yeah, gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Oh, anything I'm not
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Yeah, gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
I will never be, I will never be tall, no
And I will never be, never ever be sure of it all
Oh, why is the world so cruel to me
When all, all I ever want to be is anything I'm not
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
I'm not
I will never be, I will never be you, no
I will always be, I will always be me, that I know
But oh, even though I'm happy being me
I want to get away from all this harsh reality, oh
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Yeah, gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Oh, anything I'm not
Gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Yeah, gimme a break, a little escape
I am so tired of being me
I wanna be free, I wanna be new and different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Friday, April 09, 2010
See you later guys!
I'm out of town! :D
heading Semarang for Undip Test, finally.
Wish me luck everyone :))
April 10th
heading Semarang for Undip Test, finally.
Wish me luck everyone :))
April 10th
Me Happy Birthday!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
I'm 17 (now)
Hello world, how's life? Guess what, today is April 8th. First of all, I'd like to wishing my beloved cous a happy birthday! Here it goes..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY YULIN ARIESANTI!! Wish you all the best sis. .have a blast! Me love you xxx ;;)
I always heart April Month. Especially 8th and 9th. It's a very heartful days for my big fams :) Yulin's birthday and also my great Wawa, Jen Zaenal Asikin Hans.. Happy birthday too anyway :) and tomorrow, April 9th is my Day and also my sweet little cous Fathir Muhammad Ayyash. Even we have a near birth date but we haven't celebrate it together. Except me and Yul ofcrs. We often doing it since we're kid. Haha.
And OMG OMG OMG. This is probably the last post I wrote when I'm 17. Tomorrow I'll turning 18! Omg I'm way too excited with this thingy =)) I'm getting mature, and.. Old. Haha no matter what but I'm so excited for being 18. Never forget to Thanks the God who gives me a chance for being 18. Gives me a blast everyday, and always there when I need. I'm so grateful to You, God. Thankyou ;)
Next, what makes me excited enough for being 18? Mmm.. I wonder, there's nothing special than get your age increased and youre not that some kind of kid anymore. I'm pretty tired for being a kid ofcrs. I want to live my on life. Got my own decision, and everything. Not a guarantee for being 18 I'll get those things though. But at least it getting closer to the life I want to live on. Sssshh it's not April 9th yet btw.. As usual.. I'm talkin too much shit.
So I think I'll not get sleep tonight. Enjoying my 17th hours.. And welcoming the maturity of 18. Hahaha! Soooo excited. I'll write again soon bestos! Me heart you ;;)
April 8th
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY YULIN ARIESANTI!! Wish you all the best sis. .have a blast! Me love you xxx ;;)
I always heart April Month. Especially 8th and 9th. It's a very heartful days for my big fams :) Yulin's birthday and also my great Wawa, Jen Zaenal Asikin Hans.. Happy birthday too anyway :) and tomorrow, April 9th is my Day and also my sweet little cous Fathir Muhammad Ayyash. Even we have a near birth date but we haven't celebrate it together. Except me and Yul ofcrs. We often doing it since we're kid. Haha.
And OMG OMG OMG. This is probably the last post I wrote when I'm 17. Tomorrow I'll turning 18! Omg I'm way too excited with this thingy =)) I'm getting mature, and.. Old. Haha no matter what but I'm so excited for being 18. Never forget to Thanks the God who gives me a chance for being 18. Gives me a blast everyday, and always there when I need. I'm so grateful to You, God. Thankyou ;)
Next, what makes me excited enough for being 18? Mmm.. I wonder, there's nothing special than get your age increased and youre not that some kind of kid anymore. I'm pretty tired for being a kid ofcrs. I want to live my on life. Got my own decision, and everything. Not a guarantee for being 18 I'll get those things though. But at least it getting closer to the life I want to live on. Sssshh it's not April 9th yet btw.. As usual.. I'm talkin too much shit.
So I think I'll not get sleep tonight. Enjoying my 17th hours.. And welcoming the maturity of 18. Hahaha! Soooo excited. I'll write again soon bestos! Me heart you ;;)
April 8th
just for fun,
just for laugh,
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Sorry for the last post. Haven't wrote anything yesterday. Too lazy and too many things happened to me.
Geez, idk what's happen with this week. I'm way too easy to get mad, too jealously, and too sensitive all day long. It looks like there are so much things happened, from you, or even myself.
Such a silly things, because 2 days later I'm going 18. God, please just let me enjoy my last days for being 17 without any problems.
Well, currently missing my X8 friends. They're so into me, thu we haven't talked to each other for months but I'm still remember lots of things that happened in my 1st year of senior high. Miss them badly.. My Ellen, Riri, Fionita, Gina, Kiky.. and others.. I do miss you guys :'(
April 7th
Geez, idk what's happen with this week. I'm way too easy to get mad, too jealously, and too sensitive all day long. It looks like there are so much things happened, from you, or even myself.
Such a silly things, because 2 days later I'm going 18. God, please just let me enjoy my last days for being 17 without any problems.
Well, currently missing my X8 friends. They're so into me, thu we haven't talked to each other for months but I'm still remember lots of things that happened in my 1st year of senior high. Miss them badly.. My Ellen, Riri, Fionita, Gina, Kiky.. and others.. I do miss you guys :'(
April 7th
Monday, April 05, 2010
H-4 ;;)
Today is the first day of School Exam. I was feeling like wow it's a big story writing day today! Yehaaa got nothing on my mind and just write things I wanna write. No connection at all but I hope I done it good ;) today's subjects are PKN and Religion btw..
We're on April anyway. I'm too excited with this! Hmm I'll turning 18 next 4 days. Excited, but also scared. I'm getting older but still not act like I used to. Still immature, selfish, moody, and way too laaaaazy. Mature person must not be lazy, aight? It showed that I'm not a woman yet. But not a girl thu, haha in between --
I've been sooo overactive for telling people around me abt my 18th Birthday. Remind them everyday until they kinda bored and stucked with me haha. I'm not expecting anything from them, just birthday wishes and their prays mean a LOT for me! I do need much prays and magic so I can thru life easily. Life isn't that easy btw.. I know it's hard, I already know that.
So, what I want for my birthday? I want MY PARENTS and my lil'BROTHER. I do miss them so much :'( they're just the best gift ever if only I could get together with them again..
Undip. I want Undip.. God please give me Undip. But if it isn't for me, please show me Your best way.. :)
And him.. He would be the best gift ever (after my beloved fams ofcrs :p) cause I love him so bad. More than I needed him. You must not do anything, but please just stand by me, give me strength and support. It means everything to me.. OMG I'm dying -__-
It is not my birthday yet but I've talked so much abt the wishes. Not good.. I'll talk about this later! I Love April very much by the way ;;)
PS: It doesn't mean that I'm not expected stuffs for my birthday gifts, but I think lotta love from people around me is so much better. But if you gave me both.. It could be the best =)) haha lol.
Happy April everyone!
April 5th
We're on April anyway. I'm too excited with this! Hmm I'll turning 18 next 4 days. Excited, but also scared. I'm getting older but still not act like I used to. Still immature, selfish, moody, and way too laaaaazy. Mature person must not be lazy, aight? It showed that I'm not a woman yet. But not a girl thu, haha in between --
I've been sooo overactive for telling people around me abt my 18th Birthday. Remind them everyday until they kinda bored and stucked with me haha. I'm not expecting anything from them, just birthday wishes and their prays mean a LOT for me! I do need much prays and magic so I can thru life easily. Life isn't that easy btw.. I know it's hard, I already know that.
So, what I want for my birthday? I want MY PARENTS and my lil'BROTHER. I do miss them so much :'( they're just the best gift ever if only I could get together with them again..
Undip. I want Undip.. God please give me Undip. But if it isn't for me, please show me Your best way.. :)
And him.. He would be the best gift ever (after my beloved fams ofcrs :p) cause I love him so bad. More than I needed him. You must not do anything, but please just stand by me, give me strength and support. It means everything to me.. OMG I'm dying -__-
It is not my birthday yet but I've talked so much abt the wishes. Not good.. I'll talk about this later! I Love April very much by the way ;;)
PS: It doesn't mean that I'm not expected stuffs for my birthday gifts, but I think lotta love from people around me is so much better. But if you gave me both.. It could be the best =)) haha lol.
Happy April everyone!
April 5th
Love (again)
I hate being in a serious conversation like this. Wanna act like 'I dont care' but actually I do care. Ssshhhh.. I hate saying Goodbye. I don't wanna ever say it again if I could. Cause I'm surely not that tipical kind of girl who not respecting love and could go with many boys. I'm not. Once I fall in love, I would never ever let it go.. Only if I could.
April 5th
April 5th
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Whatta NICE weekend!
It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm doing nothing on my room, since Sunday morning. Gosh! Whatta boring weekend I've had.. I have no serious activity since last night and today I'm just lying on my bed, checking out my phones, and (sometimes) texting with my boy. He made my weekend even worse. Cause I miss him soooo damn bad and I'm sure that he didn't know it.
I feel so unstable this week. This PMS thing make me sensitive a lot, sometimes feels so loved, but then mad and crying.. And also become more selfish than usual. This unrealistic condition sometimes make me lazy for doing anything. I don't wanna be ignored by anyone. Need their attention even more. My mood changes every minute and get mad easily if someone's broke my mood. Hope this situation ended soon. I'm pretty tired!
I have read Gogirl! April 2010 anyway. It's a Geek Issue! How come?! I'm trully a geek for sure. There are no doubt and I'm proud of it. Being a geek is so cool anyway. Though nowadays I don't show my geekyness side out.
So, not in mood for anything. I don't even take a bath yet. Tooooo lazy to moooove. Like we usually called it 'Mager' (males gerak). I think I'll stay here until night. Tomorrow is School Exam btw, wish me luck folks.
That's it, have a good Sundae everyone, just unlike mine ;p
April 4th
I feel so unstable this week. This PMS thing make me sensitive a lot, sometimes feels so loved, but then mad and crying.. And also become more selfish than usual. This unrealistic condition sometimes make me lazy for doing anything. I don't wanna be ignored by anyone. Need their attention even more. My mood changes every minute and get mad easily if someone's broke my mood. Hope this situation ended soon. I'm pretty tired!
I have read Gogirl! April 2010 anyway. It's a Geek Issue! How come?! I'm trully a geek for sure. There are no doubt and I'm proud of it. Being a geek is so cool anyway. Though nowadays I don't show my geekyness side out.
So, not in mood for anything. I don't even take a bath yet. Tooooo lazy to moooove. Like we usually called it 'Mager' (males gerak). I think I'll stay here until night. Tomorrow is School Exam btw, wish me luck folks.
That's it, have a good Sundae everyone, just unlike mine ;p
April 4th
Saturday, April 03, 2010
End of PE
Hello there. So today is the last day of Practical Exam and I'm so happy! The PE days are so hard and really tiring. Especially today, the subjects are Chemist and Sport.
Chemis. I've got a very bad luck for number 3, and my group got the Titrasi thing for the test. Rio who choose the paper, I think he might have some bad luck or anything but surely it's not his fault, because actually I'm the one who should pick up the paper cause I'm the leader of the group. I don't want it of course, it's based on the alphabets: Qisthie, Rahmawati, Regina, and Rio. Guess what, the topic is soooo hard and difficult. The hardest one from all the subjects. So that we become the last group who get out of the room. Feeling so helped by Yudha's help. Without any instructions from him, I think we could do nothing. Aaaaargggh he's just the best <3
And Sport. There are 3 part of the test: run, basketball, and gymnastic. Thanks God I'm good at run. I get in 2nd place after Nurhayati, haha. Finally got any luck for being slim and tiny.. Second part is basketball. At first I thought I'm very bad at this and can't make any score but suprisingly I scored 3 or 4 balls. Yeah, good enough. . The last one is gymnastic. Like usual I can do this thu not as good as Dara, Sari, and Fany did but at least a tiny girl like me won't find any difficulties in this class. Once more, Thanks God. It was really fun but also really tiring.. Ergggh it looks like there's no power left on my body after doing the sport class.
We (me and my bf) decided to go home asap and take a rest for a while.
Taking a nap, and feeling much better when I woke up. Just realized that tonight is a Saturday Night. No plan for tonight, with friends, bf, or even with my Antika Marilis Dezetha. Have just bought Gogirl! Magazine by the way. Gonna spend the night for reading this I think.
Have a good Saturday Night everyone :)
April 3rd
Chemis. I've got a very bad luck for number 3, and my group got the Titrasi thing for the test. Rio who choose the paper, I think he might have some bad luck or anything but surely it's not his fault, because actually I'm the one who should pick up the paper cause I'm the leader of the group. I don't want it of course, it's based on the alphabets: Qisthie, Rahmawati, Regina, and Rio. Guess what, the topic is soooo hard and difficult. The hardest one from all the subjects. So that we become the last group who get out of the room. Feeling so helped by Yudha's help. Without any instructions from him, I think we could do nothing. Aaaaargggh he's just the best <3
And Sport. There are 3 part of the test: run, basketball, and gymnastic. Thanks God I'm good at run. I get in 2nd place after Nurhayati, haha. Finally got any luck for being slim and tiny.. Second part is basketball. At first I thought I'm very bad at this and can't make any score but suprisingly I scored 3 or 4 balls. Yeah, good enough. . The last one is gymnastic. Like usual I can do this thu not as good as Dara, Sari, and Fany did but at least a tiny girl like me won't find any difficulties in this class. Once more, Thanks God. It was really fun but also really tiring.. Ergggh it looks like there's no power left on my body after doing the sport class.
We (me and my bf) decided to go home asap and take a rest for a while.
Taking a nap, and feeling much better when I woke up. Just realized that tonight is a Saturday Night. No plan for tonight, with friends, bf, or even with my Antika Marilis Dezetha. Have just bought Gogirl! Magazine by the way. Gonna spend the night for reading this I think.
Have a good Saturday Night everyone :)
April 3rd
Friday, April 02, 2010
Blame it on PMS
Haven't posted anything since yesterday. A little review about PE yesterday: Physics and Religion, I done both good. Not so perfect, but just good. Hope I'll get a good grade at them, Amin.
Yesterday I spent almost 5 hours with my boy and do some good things with him. But I always felt that was not enough. Weirdo. Wanna spend more and more time with him. That's make me feel 'alive'. Erggh what you do to me boy? You just like my personal heroinne. I'm dying if there's no you around :(
By the way, Uci held her birthday bash at her house, all jokers are invited. I was so happy at first but then I felt TERRIBLY ANGRY with my boy. Grrrrh he made a mistake. Actually just a little and silly mistake, but because of PMS, I really mad at it. Poor you boy, I'm sorry. I was become a very sentimentil monster and being so over sensitive especially to Yudha. Poor him, I always mad at him, thu he didn't make anything wrong, but I just satisfied only if I blame everything on him. Selfish, immature, and stupid :(
All bad things have succeded for ruining my day, my morning day. But then in the afternoon, I go to Uci's crib (thu I've late for about 2 hours) and hanging with the girls. It's so fun, I can forget all the nasty things that happened in the morning. Sadly, my boy doesn't talk to me or even looking at me. Idk, does he mad or something but I'm feeling pretty guilty then. But Uci asked me, Okky, Rahma, Sekar, and Sari to go to Inul Vista. It's really fun, I do forget all the shits. I texted my boy and he asked for my apologize. Forgive him and the problem's clear. I go home with Sari anyway after singing some silly songs at Inul Vista.
But then I need to go to Patra Jasa for meeting my precious sport teacher, Mr. Nono. And I need my Yudha. With his kindness heart, his understanding feeling, he accompanying me this evening. To Patra Jasa, Dara's Crib, and Starnet. But fool me, I was mad at him (again) on the way.
All the shits that happened were caused by the PMS thing. Yeah, blame it on PMS. Damn you PMS! You've ruined my day! Haha just don't wanna realize my own fault, blame it on anyone else. I've got a very bad habits in a week every months :( gonna change this as soon as possible before my boy runaway and leaving me..eggggh
Happy PMS!
April 2nd
Yesterday I spent almost 5 hours with my boy and do some good things with him. But I always felt that was not enough. Weirdo. Wanna spend more and more time with him. That's make me feel 'alive'. Erggh what you do to me boy? You just like my personal heroinne. I'm dying if there's no you around :(
By the way, Uci held her birthday bash at her house, all jokers are invited. I was so happy at first but then I felt TERRIBLY ANGRY with my boy. Grrrrh he made a mistake. Actually just a little and silly mistake, but because of PMS, I really mad at it. Poor you boy, I'm sorry. I was become a very sentimentil monster and being so over sensitive especially to Yudha. Poor him, I always mad at him, thu he didn't make anything wrong, but I just satisfied only if I blame everything on him. Selfish, immature, and stupid :(
All bad things have succeded for ruining my day, my morning day. But then in the afternoon, I go to Uci's crib (thu I've late for about 2 hours) and hanging with the girls. It's so fun, I can forget all the nasty things that happened in the morning. Sadly, my boy doesn't talk to me or even looking at me. Idk, does he mad or something but I'm feeling pretty guilty then. But Uci asked me, Okky, Rahma, Sekar, and Sari to go to Inul Vista. It's really fun, I do forget all the shits. I texted my boy and he asked for my apologize. Forgive him and the problem's clear. I go home with Sari anyway after singing some silly songs at Inul Vista.
But then I need to go to Patra Jasa for meeting my precious sport teacher, Mr. Nono. And I need my Yudha. With his kindness heart, his understanding feeling, he accompanying me this evening. To Patra Jasa, Dara's Crib, and Starnet. But fool me, I was mad at him (again) on the way.
All the shits that happened were caused by the PMS thing. Yeah, blame it on PMS. Damn you PMS! You've ruined my day! Haha just don't wanna realize my own fault, blame it on anyone else. I've got a very bad habits in a week every months :( gonna change this as soon as possible before my boy runaway and leaving me..eggggh
Happy PMS!
April 2nd
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