Saturday, April 03, 2010

End of PE

Hello there. So today is the last day of Practical Exam and I'm so happy! The PE days are so hard and really tiring. Especially today, the subjects are Chemist and Sport.

Chemis. I've got a very bad luck for number 3, and my group got the Titrasi thing for the test. Rio who choose the paper, I think he might have some bad luck or anything but surely it's not his fault, because actually I'm the one who should pick up the paper cause I'm the leader of the group. I don't want it of course, it's based on the alphabets: Qisthie, Rahmawati, Regina, and Rio. Guess what, the topic is soooo hard and difficult. The hardest one from all the subjects. So that we become the last group who get out of the room. Feeling so helped by Yudha's help. Without any instructions from him, I think we could do nothing. Aaaaargggh he's just the best <3

And Sport. There are 3 part of the test: run, basketball, and gymnastic. Thanks God I'm good at run. I get in 2nd place after Nurhayati, haha. Finally got any luck for being slim and tiny.. Second part is basketball. At first I thought I'm very bad at this and can't make any score but suprisingly I scored 3 or 4 balls. Yeah, good enough. . The last one is gymnastic. Like usual I can do this thu not as good as Dara, Sari, and Fany did but at least a tiny girl like me won't find any difficulties in this class. Once more, Thanks God. It was really fun but also really tiring.. Ergggh it looks like there's no power left on my body after doing the sport class.

We (me and my bf) decided to go home asap and take a rest for a while.

Taking a nap, and feeling much better when I woke up. Just realized that tonight is a Saturday Night. No plan for tonight, with friends, bf, or even with my Antika Marilis Dezetha. Have just bought Gogirl! Magazine by the way. Gonna spend the night for reading this I think.

Have a good Saturday Night everyone :)

April 3rd

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