Hi! It's me again. I hope you don't get bored of seeing me writing on this blog too often and suddenly unfollowed my blog, lol (is this twitter or something?)
talking about blog... Many people ask me why
I don't do tumblr? They said it's way more easy and so happening these days. Every cool people do tumblr. Well actually
I REALLY WANT TO, but eh? You got to believe me but I don't understand how to play tumblr -_- gahhh call me late or stupid but I really really have no idea how to use this. I know it's cool to see sweet pictures and easily reblogged it to our page. It's so easy to write quotes and stuffs, a quick-post story of our life. Following cool sites and people, also feel so unpredictably happy when they followed you back just like twitter did. Seeing their updates on your dashboard... But that's that? Well I'm not saying that I don't like tumblr. I do tumblr too, it's new actually. You could check it in
The point is... I
do tumblr, but I don't wanna be too addicted with this, and I don't give a fuck of people who keep promoting me how easy tumblr is and started poisoning-me-to-hate-blogger too much! I quite satisfied enough with my blog, and this
sugartoothfairy page is like my whole thing! I blog since 2009, and people could read every stupid and happy things in my life. My love life, family life, friends and stuffs as long as it's fine to be published. Can you do that with tumblr? Hell no, as someone's said
'twitter is a microblog, tumblr is a miniblog, and blogger is the real blog!' that's all you need to be the hippest people in town, lol just kidding.
So you got my point, right? I do like tumblr, but still, I'd prefer blogger. But eh! I love twitter most! Hahaha. My twitter birthday is on
May, 13th 2009, and that means it's almost 2 years
@qissinthya accompanying my life! And it has almost 20000 tweets. Gosh! I tweeted a lot -__- Note this, I would never replaced my
@qissinthya as I would never replaced this
sugartoothfairy page for any reason. Both of them is like... A part of my life that I can't live with. It's been 2 years darlings, and I hope we'll be last forever! Just stay the same dear my two blog accounts, I love you both ♥ please don't get hacked or other criminal thingy in the net! If that happen, I wouldn't think twice to get you had the best cure in the world, lol!
01:22am Wed Mar-9-2011♥