you must be heard our country's latest news about foreign movies's banned? When I got that news, I feel like... Half of my life start to die! Shit. You may said that I'm overreacting, but seriously, I can't stand watching those awkward local movies with love, ghosts, and porns everywhere! I have no idea with people who always get so interested of watching those movies. I know we have to support our local products, but what if the products isn't worth to be support for? Maybe they want us to be stupid and start to liking that junks, but sorry, I'm surely not that type of people.
Ok, maybe this post is instantly a little bit controversial. I only judge all the local movies by some junks, however I really really admit that some of local movies are also good. The storyline, the plots, the casts, the production team... But they are still minority. The local movies are still dominated by that porn-covered-with-horror-and-comedy movies. What I cannot understand is, why those particularly uneducated films have so many many watchers? Do Indonesian people really like this kind of role? Do they like to be fooled by the irresponsible producer? Maybe they were, but it's not too late for a change, right?
Lets do support our local movies by creating a good and healthy role which could teach us many things instead of the porn. We know we could. And one more thing, banning foreign movies to Indonesia is really NOT the way to support the locals. It could make the number of piracy increased and made our people could not learn, open-minded, and think globally. The Government should know this and think more and more and more before let this foreign movies banned. We gotta get moved people!
PS: I was like... Arguing in my English debate lesson in high school. Well the issue is quite interesting, and I think I should write something about this. Kinda miss my high school english lesson :(
goodbye! Open your mind dearest smart people!
01:57am Wed Mar-9-2011
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