Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Quote: Among The Wildflowers


You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free

Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new
I have seen no other
Who compares with you

You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
You belong with your love on your arm
You belong somewhere you feel free

Run away, go find a lover
Run away, let your heart be your guide
You deserve the deepest of cover
You belong in that home by and by

You belong among the wildflowers
You belong somewhere close to me
Far away from your trouble and worries
You belong somewhere you feel free
You belong somewhere you feel free

In this post: Wildflowers by Tom Petty

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Fun DIY Part III

last but not least, we will end this super creative Friday with make a fascinator hat. I named it...
The main thing that we need is a pad like this to become a hat round pedestal. this spherical cap is also my own making, but unfortunately there's no time to take the photograph while doing the experiment, so this DIY base fascinator hat will be discussed in some other time. sorrrrryyyy.. hehe.
 here's the steps..
ini dia hasilnya..
this fascinator hat is still way too simple, I was thinking to add some beads and feathers over it to make it more fascinating. more photos soon! :)

psst.. actually the fascinator hat is not the last stuff I made today, I also make two bow ties for my boyfie for the preparation as he's gonna be my companion at the fashion show. to make it? I'll post the tutorial later. believe me you'll never expect that making this bow ties only take 15minutes long or less! hihi.
 thank you for reading my Friday Fun DIY project. hope you get inspired.
*kiss from home*

click here for the previous part.

Friday Fun DIY Part II

in this second part we will make...... *drumrolls*

still using the same theme (re: flowers) since of the main theme of Fashion Show itself is flowers, so once again we are going to make a flower crown. This is not the first time I made ​​a flower crown, I've done it a few times it's just that I never publish it here.if there are readers here who also follow my instagram (@qissinthya) will probably know how I made ​​a flower crown from worst to best

for this chance I'll show you a tutorial how to make a flower crown with 100% made ​​by hand. if you normally wear those fake flowers for later assembled into flower crown, this time we will learn to make our own flowers so that our diy project feels so real. :)

how to make a flower is similar to the previous tutorial diy project. it's just that the previous tutorial does not explain in detail how to make the flower. so, let's get closer to see steps to make an adorable handmade flower crown all on your own! :)
here we go the result!
some selfie picts wearing the head crown. forgive the bad quality pics :))

click here for the next part.
click here for the previous part.

Friday Fun DIY Part 1

while I was busy preparing for my Honeydrips webstore launching, I happened to read the tweets of my friends about the fashion show which will be held on the next September 21st. tadaaaa~ it's only few days left! I immediately got panicked, because I haven't prepare everything properly for the show.
FYI: being a designer doesn't mean you have to be expert at fashion shows. I'm a dumbass.. yes, I like watching fashion shows, but I don't really like when it comes for me to showed up.

so I began to seriously prepare for the next show. and oh, we got the job in the last semester to make 2 night gown: maxi and mini. and actually my own dresses has been ready since a few months ago, but I was too lazy to give a finishing touch to the dresses. so when it has nearing the time I returned to Bandung, I became very busy taking care of everything.

so today is friday already, and on sunday (or monday, perhaps? :p) I have to go back to bandung, there will be no other time unless I'll work everything today. the dresses that will be used for the show would not be complete without an extra piece of extravaganza and outrageous head piece. because I am a DIY girl so this Friday titled: jadi judul hari Jumat ini adalah: DIY HEADPIECE MADE FOR FASHION SHOW. yipeeeeee! DIY project this time is rather special because I've included (although I am actually very lazy and forced) photographs of each step to make this project. so I will tell you how to make it in this post.

because today I made ​​3 pieces of diy projects, then I will divide this post into three parts. for those who have free time and want to try the tutorials presented on this blog I wish you good luck! :)
First of all I will explain about the concept that I take for my dress for the fashion show. I took the theme of culture eastern countries (asia) in the design concept, as well as taking sapphire blue as the dominant color used in the design. so for the headpiece itself, adopted from the fascinator hat which is now being used worldwide since the royal princess Kate Middleton wore it. for those who do not know the shape of fascinator hat can be found here :D Now I will show you my maxi dress appearance that looks too small in mannequin. damn T_T

this is the moodboard

 Now we start with our first DIY project! Bismillah...
voila! let's see how it looks.
thanks for reading, see you in the next Friday Fun DIY part~ :))

click here for the next part.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


a little sneakpeek from Honeydrips work space during the photoshoot. not a very high quality picture because I've filtered it with apps in my android phone, and too bad I can't hire a photographer for the best quality photo taken. my photographer friends were all in Bandung so I think I'd like to take another photoshoot for my product as soon as I get back to Bandung.

I'll keep my updates here for my new webstore: honeydrips. anyway the things are still on progress, but I've just had designed the web by myself. looking forward to your comments and recommendations. the links is here. Thanks! luv.

PS: the webstore is still on trial. all menus are still can't be used.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Zooey Deschanel & M. Ward, my favorite musician


my coming soon project

good morning!
currently I'm busy with a joint project by me and my boyfriend these days. in fact we are already planning to make a business together from a long, long time ago but only now its taken seriously, and hope it can be realized really soon.

I can't tell what's the project yet, because we're still work on it. but sure soon I'm gonna post the updates here. so stay tuned! x)

but anyway, a little teaser will be okay, so here we go..


Thursday, September 05, 2013

love blossoms

short visit to Bandung yesterday. fortunately it's my month anniversary with my boyfriend. as an old usual tradition we go somewhere nice, movie watching, having delicate dinner, and exchange gifts. actually it's been a long time since the last time me and boyfie had a real celebration for our monthversary, and we feel so exhilarate when we finally had a chance to meet each other at that crucial date like we used to did several months before,

1. I made a Pop-Up Anniversary card, and he was thrilled. haha.
2. a cute brown box, hmm wonder what it contents?
its a pair union flag vintage watch for me and him! it's a darling~
3. a perky handcrafting bag. they are two actually, but I haven't took proper pictures for them, so here we go the teaser.
thanks for making my life blooms everyday.
Happy 21 month!

Gani Ghansa, I Love You.


Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Lika-Liku KRSan

Halooooooooo, dapat salam nih dari Bandung!

Yes, after a not-so-holy-holiday akhirnya gue terdampar di Bandung untuk satu misi yang sangat berat, yakni: KRSan.

(Gue tau sih nama prosedurnya nggak sesimple itu, tapi seribet Ngambil KHS-Ngisi KHS-Perwalian sama dosen wali-Persetujuan Ketua Jurusan-Pengembalian KRS pada akademik, tapi kesemuanya itu selalu gue singkat: KRSan. Dan yang namanya KHS sama KRS ternyata beda loh. Dan gue ini udah anak tingkat akhir di kampus. Tauk ah.)

Udah bukan mitos lagi kalo si Qisti kalo giliran KRSan pasti waktunya mepet-mepet deadline. Kalo nggak mepet ya, mepet banget. Besok hari terakhir KRSan, ya baru hari ini ke Bandungnya. Tutupnya Loket Akademik jam 4, ya jam 3 gue baru ke Bank buat bayar SPP terus ngambil KRS. Ngomong-ngomong, tadi itu KRSan tersingkat yang pernah gue alamin seumur-umur gue jadi mahasiswa. Hanya cukup 5 menit saja untuk ngebuletin kontrak kuliah, ttd dosen wali, dan kajur. 5 menit setelah gue menyerahkan KRS ke akademik: loketnya langsung tutup. Seketika gue merasa keren. Itu loket kayaknya sengaja nunggu gue beres KRSan baru tutup. Gue terharu banget... asli.

Ngomong-ngomong ini gue cerita gak beraturan gini ya. Tapi gue yakin lo semua ga ada yg segitu kurang kerjaannya sampe mau tau gimana perjuangan gue mewek-mewek di kampus orang, nunggu kabar yg nggak pasti... galaunya, beuuuh.... ngalahin di PHPin gebetan! (Mungkin, soalnya gue ga pernah di PHPin gebetan sik, jadi ga ngerti gimana rasanya.. *ditimpuk sendal*)

Dan keluarbiasaan hari ini nggak berhenti sampe situ aja, pembaca. Masa yah, si Jalu, Tiger 200 kesayangannya si Cina, mendadak ngambek dan mogok tepat pas udah nyampe Jalan Jakarta, tapi kampus gue nya masih kesonoan dikit. Sempet kepikiran mau numpang sama motor yang lewat, tapi takut keterusan jadi pedekate akhirnya gue putuskan untuk lari aja. Gue lari terus sampe ke loket akademik. Udah kayak adegan slowmotion gitu tau gak sih lo, yang gue lari tapi ga nyampe nyampe gitu. Sampe akhirnya gue tiba di loket dan ambil KRS. Kemudian seseorang memainkan lagu 'We Are The Champi....EH BENTAR DULU. Tiba-tiba Bu Darsih berkata,

"Cepet perwalian ya, saya tunggu 5 menit lagi."

Belum juga napas ini kembali teratur, belum juga penyanyi itu selesai menyanyikan lagu We Are The Champions, Bu Darsih udah buru-buru aja ngasih waktu lima menit doang garis keras. Jadilah gue tanpa pikir2 lagi langsung nyamperin dosen wali yang anehnya gampang ditemukan (baca: rata-rata dosen wali itu langkanya mirip-mirip harimau Sumatera, susah banget nyarinya bro) syukurlah! Allah masih sayang gue. langsung gue ngibrit menuju kajur dan setelah itu segera menyerahkan KRS ke Bu Darsih. Horeeee!

Tapi keriaan tidak cukup berhenti sampai situ saja. Segera setelah urusan ini-itu apa-anu selesai di kampus, Cina kembali menunggang si Jalu dan... si Jalu kembali mogok-mogokan. Problem solved! Ternyata si Jalu kelaperan, alias bensinnya abis, alias harus dorong-dorong cantik motor sampe pom bensin terdekat kira-kira 100meter an lah.

Buat gue pribadi sih pengalaman dorong-mendorong Jalu ini udah jadi hal yang biasa karena lumayan sering juga si Mas Pacar ganteng tapi lupaan ini lupa ngisi bahan bakar Jalu. Tapi berhubung kaki gue udah dipaksa sprint seribu meter jadi apa daya doi udah keburu lekleuk jadi gue minta maaf sama pacar nggak bisa nemenin dia dorong motor dan angkat jempol gue buat nyetop angkot menuju pom bensin sambil dadah-dadah sama pacar.

Singkat cerita ya, lo pada ga mau tau kan sambil nunggu gue ngapain aja? Sumpah, lo pasti ga kepengen tau.. bensin sudah diisi full tank, dan si Jalu digoyang-goyang Cina supaya bensinnya menyebar ke seluruh tubuh Jalu. Tapi anehnya Jalu pun tak kian hidup. Tak selang beberapa menit Jalu pun hidup, dan kita cuss sambil merencanakan akan menyantap semangkuk besar Ramen yang yum yum yum..

Tapi sekali lagi, manusia hanya bisa berencana, Allah lah yang memutuskan. Sampe di Jalan Pahlawan Jalu pun kembali mogok. Gue yang lagi laper dan bete akibat makan Ramen yang tertunda, ngedumel-dumel aja di pinggir jalan. Sampai akhirnya gue melihat gerobak seblak basah, bagaikan oase di tengah gurun pasir. Yah, tak ada Ramen, Seblak pun jadi ya. Jadi sambil nunggu pacar ngusahain supaya Jalu bisa jalan lagi, gue pun jajan seblak. Lapar pun terobati. Hati pun kembali riang.

Keadaan jadi berbalik, pacar yang udah tambah gelisah karena waktu udah menunjukkan hampir jam 7 dan dia harus mulangin gue ke rumah secepatnya ditambah si Jalu yg gak jalan-jalan. Tapi berhubung perut gue udah kenyang, jadi gue ga merasakan kegelisahan pacar. Tawa-tawalah gue sambil nyanyi-nyanyi. Pacar gemezzzzh mungkin dan mulai nyuekin gue. Ngok.

Keadaan kita begitu terus sampe akhirnya sekitar jam setengah 8 dateng temennya pacar dan bantuin kita dorong motor sampe kosan pacar baru terus gue dianter pulang. Gue dipulangkan pukul 8.30 dan perjuangan hari ini pun berakhir. Oh tidak, ternyata belum! Gue masih harus menjinakkan 3 sepupu-sepupu kecil gue dan mengantar mereka tidur walopun mata gue udah pengen merem aja rasanya. Masih ada Pe-Er nih yang harus gue lakuin, Selamat Malam! Semoga hari kalian mnyenangkan!

Ditulis pukul 22.15
Oleh Qisthie Cinintya