Sunday, July 03, 2011

healing down. .

ini adalah post yang harusnya dipublish sebelum bulan juni berakhir, tapi berhubung ini udah masuk juli, yaaaa walaupun agak basi sedikit tapi mau tetep di post aja deh. enjoy~


I've been in a very busy week! yayy! i mean a very busy MONTH! after my class decided to do the Fashion Show thingy in BTC next July 12th, there are still many events coming from my organization stuffs. you know I started to left some of BEM events at the end of the academic year. there are so many events come to chase one another, so I have to choose at least two of them (I can't do the three of all without my brain hurt and got less focus for doing the job). I finally choose my Fashion Show (since I'm majoring in Fashion Designing thing) and HmI.

Fashion Show events, with all of the lettering thing (as a Secretary's job), permission from the University to support the event, finding sponsor (re: money. not my job actually), designing the gown, went to the textile center in town, applied it to the sewing person, and finally finding the model, they are definitely eating up my times! I almost have no more spare times. PS: that's not including the conflict and stuffs which always come without permission. makes my brain started to bowed up exactly.

I don't know why but I'm totally into HmI right now. in HmI I've known the knowledge that I never get in anywhere, met many inspiring and brilliant people. people outside may not understand why I particularly cannot let HmI go, but I've found not only organization stuffs, but also a loving and caring family member. their knowledge is damn wide, I could spent all nite discussing every topic with them. that's priceless...

next, I'm going to have Raden Mayang Garnila Kusumahwardhani as a model for my design. my class will be doing a tribute for Marie Antoinette from medieval centuries, so there will be more ruffles and Lacey. although I'm not working at the decoration stuffs but I'm sure the stage and display area decoration would be stunning and classy because we definitely have the best decor team in the whole world. haha!

another good news, my fave candidate Kak Dena Prasetya and Feri Yulinanto from HmI finally win the competition and become Himatteks Leader. yayyy! that's mean our work as the succession team does marvelously. yesterday was all about happiness, celebration, and closed by threw Kak Dena and Kak Feri away into the backpool scene. we planned to celebrate the winning thing (or we should call it 'tasyakur bini'mah' :p) on the next pengajian this week.

hmmm. what else? ah now I'm officially walk on the 6th month with @ariefihsan. it's long enough but I... I'm still feel like it was yesterday when we were committed our self for being an item. I can't believe it's been a half-year being with him. so many things happen within all of these months, love, tears, we were fighting a lot, but also we were laughing a lot too, and mostly is stupidity. too many stupid things happened between us, stupid acts, stupid jokes, stupid conversations, even being with him is one of the stupidity of mine. lol. I don't know if there is gonna be the 7th month, 8th month, or a year, 2 year... and I don't want to know it even more. I don't wanna predict it, just let it happened as the wind flows, and just trust God for His precious decision.

anyway when I looked into twitter this afternoon, people on my timeline are writing with all CAPITAL LETTERS. I have no idea, from who this joke come from but I've just known that today, June 28th is a capslock day (I know, awkward. then when would we have the Italic day? Underline day?). so here we go, I congratulate you a HAPPY WORLD CAPSLOCK DAY! HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY TOMORROW! LOVE YOU! :P

10:25 PM 6/28/2011

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